If your one of those people that won’t watch anything other than big blockbuster movies then Gettin It is certainly not for you, however if you’re a bit more open minded, enjoyed the humour of American Pie, Porky’s or The Lemon Popsicle movies then this 2006 sex comedy is a must. Gettin it is low budget, filmed with handheld cameras, and looks decidedly cheap. But what Gettin It marks isa resurgence of the sex comedy so popular during the 70’s and 80’s, this is the beginning of the wave and you’ll be seeing a lot more like it.
Silver is a normal kid, he works in his mum and dad’s takeaway pizza joint as a delivery boy; he is nothing special and quite withdrawn. Slightly unbelievably this rather nerdy kid has a stunning girlfriend called Sheila who wants to wait for the time to be right to have sex; I’ll leave you to decide which part I find unbelievable. Silver however wants sex more than anything, after all his friends are all having sex, none more so than the Virginator (a guy who only has sex with girlfriends, and acquired the name after he named Silver the Masturbator). After an attempt to have sex with Sheila goes terribly wrong after finding condoms in his pocket, Silver is forced into the single life. Deciding to ditch the condoms however causes Silver to discover that they were obviously designed for elephants, and before he has time to bat his eyelids the town is rocked by the news that Silver has a two foot penis, suddenly the towns most desirables are all queuing up for a little “home delivery” but can Silver keep his newfound reputation in tact?
The sicker side of me really quite enjoyed this movie, not because it was overly funny, not because it had a gripping storyline, but because it was like a time warp for me, these sort of sex comedies were everywhere in my youth when I was being “dragged” up and if it existed you could pretty much guarantee I had seen it. These movies were often of a very cheap nature, but at least shot on film so they did not look quite as cheap as this offering.
Some of the performances in the movie are horrendous most notably Salvatore Crivelo who plays Arturo Silver’s father, an actor who did nothing on screen before Gettin It and at the time of writing after, if anyone’s career has ended as soon as it began its Crivelo’s and regardless of your views of the movie I’m sure all would agree that this is one of the most terrible performances of all-time.
It’s unlikely that any of the cast you would have heard of least alone Patrick Censoplano who plays Silver, this being said there is a good selection of ex-Playboy models and porn actresses all turning their hand at acting for a change. To be honest the balance of good and bad actors is well matched, luckily it’s mostly the reasonable actors that you have to spend any time with.
Gettin It does have a pretty good stab at humour, and to be honest with you it’s not a bad attempt, there are a couple of scenes where you just kind of want to bury your head in your hands, but in a good way. The film does feature mainly old jokes, and borrows heavily from the Patrick Dempsey movie Loverboy which also involved a pizza delivery boy who took more than pizza to his high paying female clientele. I don’t however want to understate this movie or overstate it, if you loved Porky’s then this will undoubtedly appeal to you, there is a certain American Piesque feel about the movie specifically the relationship between Jason Biggs character in Pie, and Silver’s here.
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